Honorable mention to Craigslist and eBay for always coming through with concert tickets, clothes, and shoes at all-American low prices that have nothing to do with Wal-Mart!
Despite being a crap year for new music, I would like to thank the veterans for touring: Stevie, Tom, Tina, George. Thanks for saving what could have been a truly lackluster year.
And of course, who can leave this year without thanking the American public for making good on the last 8 years by electing Barack Obama!
As for personals, it was the year I realized I'm old as hell and I'm not quite sure what to do about it.
I went to Honduras, the birth place of my parents, for the first time. Graciously, all the family I'd never met thought I was 18. I learned a third world country is a third world country, and wonder if they will ever catch up. At the same time, I can't help but resent spoiled Americans. Our infrastructure and general level of safety is something not to be taken for granted--ever.
I moved in with a boy. The first batch of my dear good friends were married and now have husbands.
These things have made for a very pivotal, landmark year.
So for next year I wish pragmatic things everyone around the world should have: a steady job with insurance, a home, and health.
Cheers '08! Be nice '09!
I leave you with some sexy animals who wish you all the best in the next year...